Saturday, June 12, 2010


So, just got back from Kansas, at a camp called Timber Lakes. I was there for a week with Bethel Summer teams (the camp needed an extra counselor and through God's ridiculous awesomeness, I was contacted and I got to go).
Not even too sure where to go from here to be honest....
Do I mention what I think God is doing in my life?
For fear of failure do I not, just in case it may not happen?
...yeah okay, the second option sounds stupid and of the enemy so ready for this?

Freshman year I meet a guy named Greg Neumayer, and he begins discipling me. This is the first time I begin to understand what a "disciple" of Christ looks like. Yes, the journey has been long and FAR from perfect, but God has been insanely faithful to me.

Fast forward to the summer between freshman and sophomore year of college.
Towards the end, I go to a Baptist summer camp in Michigan for a week from the suggestion from a friend.
While there, I meet a fellow brother in Christ named Dan. We have a lot of the same heart for ministry and we instantly connect.

Please fast-forward again a few months. Sophomore year was a HUGE year of growth and pruning for me. I got connected with a family out in St. Louis who was hardcore into Freedom Ministry and making disciples. I went through the Keystone training, something very anointed by God to make disciples who make disciples. I began to hear stories of families who were completely sold out for the Lord and doing whatever it took to follow Him. I met a the Forest Family at a new years eve party is St. Louis (this was just one of the families I had heard about, among others like the Ortmanss).

Again, if you will, fast forward to May of this year. Dan and I reconnect and he comes to visit me at Bethel. He begins to weave his story of what God has been doing with him. Turns out he's moving to Houston to start a Ministry School that was coming from Mexico (a truly apostolic ministry). He tells me of this random encounter he had with 6 families who were planning on moving to Houston to do disciple-making ministry. He mentioned the Forest family (who I've met) and the Ortmanns (I've heard stories of). I was stoked, mostly for the small-world aspect of God I keep running into. Dan and I write out our connections and just sit and ponder at what God's doing.

Fast forward to last week. I am a counselor at Timber Lakes camp. In my cabin, I have two Ortmanns who are going to Houston, and I meet most of the other Ortmanns teens who are going and meet Ferral Ortmann, one of the parents going as well.
I instantly connect with the teens (ages 13-17 roughly) and see they have RIDICULOUS sold-out hearts for disciple-making ministry as well.

Long and short of it, I feel the Lord may want me in Houston. When? NO idea. Do I want to finish college? Yes, that would be the...wisest...smartest...safest option currently. The families haven't moved yet, they need to sell their houses before going. They hope to be in Houston by August, mostly to get their kids enrolled in the school systems.
Do I want to go? Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes.
I am praying for the Lord to begin to open doors. Open doors of communication, open doors of finances, open doors of peace of this option (if there's freedom in this to choose).
I have a little less than a year left before this option even seems feasible (with finishing college...believe me, I've considering forsaking my senior year and just going). The Lord may also have put on my heart again to fast from meat, this time for the entirety of my senior year of college. That will HAVE to be a calling from Him, otherwise I won't do it. (Not won't as in I'm unwilling, but won't as in I can't fast unless He gives me grace to do it. I've tried doing it in my flesh, and it fails).
The Lord brought me to Habukuk 2, and it gives me a lot of peace.
Then the Lord said to me,

“Write my answer plainly on tablets,
so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.
3 This vision is for a future time.
It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.
If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently,
for it will surely take place.
It will not be delayed.
There ya go.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

AHH YES! Dave LOVE that scripture reference, I needed that too! haha and Houston sounds awesome! God is always on time, we need to wait patiently! ahhhh patience and trust must be developed in our spiritual walk.