Saturday, November 29, 2008

Gold-dust and Gems

Who needs 'em?
I'm not saying God can't, and hasn't. From what I've seen and the testimonies I've heard, God has done it.
But...what of it? It's gold-dust and apparent flawless gems. When I die, they're still here. They are temporary. I'm not trying to belittle these gifts. God loves us and He LOVES to Love us.
Christ died for us. What more proof can we possibly demand or want of God?
It's cool. I've had friends get gold-dust and my intention is not to diminish that in any way, but for me personally, I don't know. Haha.
God does delight in us and love us. But we all are different and receive love in different ways.
If for some people gold-dust or flawless gems are the way they receive love or interpret it, sweet.
I don't think that's me.
But...if it ever happens to me, if I ever find a purple gem in my suitcase, if i ever discover flecks of gold scattered on my hands or clothes, I will still praise God.
And if it never happens, I will still praise God.

Pray for Sandy.

We get too focused on the gift and not why it's being given! Haha. Praise Jesus!
Holy Spirit, thank you for the playtime this weekend.

I just got a picture of Jesus. He had a gem in one hand and a hole in the other. Which one do I prefer?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Weekend in a Few Words or Less

9 hours there
9 hours back
the meat of this sandwhich is
Francis Chan, Francis Collins
D.C.B times 3
Throw in some some green vegetation
The Word of God in more ways than you can count
Hip-Hop, Art, Drama, Music
And talk about some cheese.
Disco-dancing, gut-busting,
Seriously Ridiculous times.
Throw in some honey mustard,
Get your creativity flowing,
Diet Coke and Mentos hit the ceiling
New friends, old friends
20 free tees
However, despite my seemingly fullness,
I'm still empty, and my stomach growls for the church
reformation is on the tip of my tongue
change screams from the depths

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Big thoughts from a small person

The flowers I step onto every day
Were created by the same mouth that life was spoken into existence
And now You've created a mission for us
That's been around for so long
but has fallen onto deaf ears
So now my ears are clear and I can hear
And it scares me so much
Because this is world-changing stuff
*sigh* Deep breath
Ok. I'm ready. Bring it on. me please.

Friday, November 7, 2008

How Can There Be A Hole?

How can such a sadness exist within such Joy?
Never quite understood what people meant
when they said they felt
amidst a sea of people
now i do
I'm a mess right now
This isn't right
can't be right
now what He intended for me
It can't
you don't care

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Watch The Leaves

...has anyone ever done that? I'm sure they have.
I've been trying to do it for at least 5-10 minutes a day, mostly between classes.
It's amazing just to watch such a simple process somehow become so much more complicated.
The different ways the leaves are shaped determine the way in which they fall.
Some fall very erratically, twisting and turning, while spinning violently toward the ground.
Others seem to fall with an effortless grace that seems to have an almost feminine quality to it.
And still others seem to want to stand out of the crowd, so they adhere to no apparent pattern of descent.
God is good.
True story.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Simple Life

Why can't it be just that?
Why are masks the norm and censorship a must?
Why are we different people to different people?
It makes no sEnSe to me not to be who we are all the time to all people.
I won't hide aspects of my life to anyone. I won't shield you from parts of myself I believe to be unattractive or unappealing.
I cannot, will not, lower my standards.

there are always exceptions to the rules

What if i come on too strong and fail my mission

God can fix that.......yeah but what am I called to?

Will I have to hide who I am at some point? For what purpose?

To call those out of darkness.....why would I have to hide who I am?

By not proclaiming God's Freedom. Audibly? No

Live my life by and for Love. with a capital L.

My actions will speak louder than any words

does my brain have to be wired like this
do you do that
can't i just know
am i so alienated
do i not want to see family
can't my intentions stay friendly
are my standards so high? They are God's, not mine.
isn't this making any sense?