Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lo Siento

I won't be updating this one too much for a while.
I have a real journal that needs filling.
It's true.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Testing testing.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

T Pepin

On Tuesday, March 9th, my cousin Talon Pepin went Home. He was battling brain cancer, and some say he lost that battle.
But he's Home. He is hanging out with Jesus right now and that is such a better place to be.
We're all going to miss him and I cannot even begin to fathom the pain and hurt his parents and two siblings are experiencing right now.
I know I hurt. I don't grieve for the dead, I grieve at the existence of death.
Families move away, cousins don't see each other nearly as much as we used to.
Thanksgiving and Easter were always the big Pepin holidays, at Aunt Patty's and Uncle Duke and Aunt Katie's.
Life changes, people move away.
In all honesty, I want to see my family this weekend but....there will be so many tears. I'm afraid of that pain and sorrow.
How does one mourn or grieve in a healthy way?
I lost my grandma and grandpa a few years ago, I was at the hospital when she passed. I hate death so much.
Things. Just. Stop.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Possible Summer Internship?

Restoring Eden is a national ministry that encourages Christians to learn to love, serve, and protect
God's creation. Our goal is to empower Christians to engage in faithful stewardship of the natural
world through education, public advocacy, environmental stewardship, and nature appreciation.
We accept our responsibility to examine our role as Christians in pursuing solutions and to
consider the impact of our lives upon the earth and humanity.

Restoring Eden is growing, and we want to spread the word about our JUSTpower campaign. This
summer, we are traveling to Christian music festivals around the country as part of an effort to
inform and mobilize Christians who care about the earth and the impact we have on it.
We are looking for 2 – 4 interns to join us this summer. As an intern, you will have the opportunity
to be a key part of the growing Christian environmental movement at a very exciting time, get
experience in grassroots organizing, and develop invaluable contacts in the nonprofit world.
We are seeking passionate, motivated applicants who want to stand together against
environmental injustice and who have the following qualities:
• Ability to speak comfortably about the connection between Christian faith and caring for
• Flexible and willing to do some traveling if necessary.
• Excellent oral and written communication skill
• A demonstrated interest in environmental issues.
• Well‐organized
Hours: Full‐time
When: June – August, 2010 (dates are negotiable)
Where: Based out of Minneapolis, MN
In addition, Restoring Eden will cover work‐related travel expenses.

Oh man.....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

All sorts of I don't know....

I wasn't too sure what I was going to do with myself this week and to be honest, I still don't.
I need to be with Him. It's kind of becoming ridiculous, honestly. I had some good time with Him this morning, continuing on in the Old Testament and rocking out to Crowders "A Collision" in the shower (I never want to shower music-less again).
So why this deep sadness? Is this intercession again? He's been showing me prayer a lot, and sometimes I get frustrated that I can't separate my own emotions from those He gives me (if that's truly what this is in the first place).

As of February 22nd, 2010, I am free, free of a ten year addiction to pornography. Ridiculous, right? It's not the same. Before, I felt like a lamb being led to the slaughter, something I had no control in, and now I have a say, I have a choice.
But please know in all of this, this isn't me. This isn't by my own power at all. God answered a prayer. Sitting in Greg's living room with my friends surrounding me in prayer (those physically present and those who interceded from afar), God did something big. I don't know exactly what, but I now know that I am awake after being dead, that I am a slave to righteousness and not sin.

just found out whose emotions I am feeling....wow.

Day 3 and going strong.

Tuesday went very well.
Woke up decently early and headed to the library to collect some books for the metaphysics paper I'm attempting to write. This one is a doozie and it's always hard for me to write papers because I have a hard time narrowing things down to one topic. Hopefully Meister will go with my plan of extending the paper deadline so I can make it better?
Watched a movie with Garrett and then had dinner with him and Ray at Ponderosa. Then we went back and wanted to watch Dogma but couldn't find a copy so we ended up watching The Proposal. Funnny.
This week has given me hope for quite a few things. At first, the idea of Greg and Lyndee moving away was a bit scary. They're two of my closest friends and Greg's been pouring into me for the past 2 years now, so it's hard to imagine life without them.
But they went on their honeymoon this week and I've been house sitting for them. It's been good. God is still here and very much so present. It's good to have a faith of my own, not dependent on anyone or anything of this world. *sigh* That's a good feeling.
I do miss them though. I miss Greg and Lyndee and Drew. I've hung out with Ray and I'm getting to see Twan on Thursday. Yeah...

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

House Sitting Day 2

I was productive today. I did about half of the dishes and took the trash out and read an entire book.
Not too bad.
Garrett joined me today.
I'm reading Genesis and so far, here are some of my thoughts:
"Swarm is not the past tense of swam. It is a verb all on its' own."
"Who is Cain's wife?"
"God appeared as three men to Abraham in Genesis 18. Whoa."
Nothing incredibly deep or revealing, but admittedly I've never really dug into the Old Testament and with some recent revelation, I feel it's incredibly necessary to devote my attention there.
It's 10:30 in the morning (technically the third day I've house-sat, but I update on the day after the day is done) and the sun is shining for the second day in a row and I see blue skies.
Hope is being renewed and restored for the winter is slowly passing away and spring with its' new life is coming to join the waking world.
Here comes the Son.

Monday, March 1, 2010

First Day Of House Sitting

Well, it went well.
I wasn't nearly as productive as I wanted to be, then again, I did help is securing that $200 for Greg and Lyndee. The dishes still need to be done...and the trash needs to be taken out.
I did read an entire book in the span of a day and a half.
If you've not read "Oath" by Frank Peretti, you should.
On the list today? "Monster".
Ray and I made stir-fry. It was so good.
Took an epic shower, listened to Hush Sound.
And watched Terminator: Salvation. Not what I thought it was going to be (and yes, the governator did in fact make a cameo..it was appreciated.) It was good.
Susie's on break for the week at her house. She asked that I would not contact her at all this week, but I feel it's ok to mention her in my blog. If she reads it, I can't stop that.
Had an interesting/good talk with her dad. My thought process: If i had a daughter who was dating a boy I'd never met, I'd want that boy and me to be on the same page as to who he is and what he's all about. So, I did my best, I think. We shall see.