Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I wanted to write something deep and meaningful tonight about the people who comes into our lives.

This, instead, is me asking, begging, pleading and imploring you not to give up.

You know who you are. There are lots of you out there. I know life is hard, I know it's not fair and it seems God is sitting in His royal throne, looking at you with uncaring eyes.

But look closer....there are tears there. For you.
Please hold on with whatever strength left that you have. I know it may be you're hanging on by your fingertips, but please keep holding on.

1John 3:8b "The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work."

Please don't forget that. He is on your side.

1 comment:

starbird said...

hey dave.
didnt know you were a blogger.
nice to find you.