Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Summer Thus Far...

I've been encouraged more these past few days than I have in a long time. Stagnation is such an ugly thing, and so is drifting. You never drift towards intimacy, always away from it. And I've been a piece of driftwood for far too long.
I am not an island. Seems to be my mantra lately.
How many bridges have I burned, I wonder. I know of many.
Some of the most healing words, coming from one I hurt.

Don't dwell on the past, I didn't go anywhere. I'm still here.. I'm still your friend.

I cannot even begin to express the healing that brought me.

Life is getting difficult. People are leaving and I don't quite know how to say "See you later."

Self-placed burdens are being lifted finally.

I am not an island

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