Monday, January 11, 2010

Like Sand Through an hourglass.... are the days in Dave's life....
One large soap opera would be a good way to describe my life currently. Quite a bit of unexpected (and frankly unwelcome) drama going on. Both with family and friends. In some ways it concerns me directly and others, I can only watch with horror as it unfolds (I wrote that to Melissa first, and then I copied it to this blog).
But patient must I be, for the story seems to be unraveling at a pace slow enough to keep up with.
Patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, love, joy, peace and self-control. I must continually remind myself of these.
Love (insert name) to death. I believe Jesus has a right to say this, however we don't. He loved us to death, but have we loved Him to death? Random thought.

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