Thursday, November 12, 2009

D.C Bound.....

It's 5a.m.
I got maybe 4 hours of sleep last night.
I'm headed to D.C. This is such a random trip. Goodness.
You should see the directions from the airport to the hotel. Red lines and Green lines....Tottenham and Farragut N. Good thing there are four other people coming.
God, give us strength and help us remember why we're doing this.
Coach Hunny, Zach Delaruellle and Robby Rasbaugh all prayed for me last night. God, I'm so sorry I have forgotten you in all of this. Amidst the hustle and bustle and constant thinking I can lead this by myself, You get the short end of the stick. I don't understand this stupid flesh all the time. Thank You for your grace, that it's Bigger than anything else I've ever understood.
Here goes nothing................

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