Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Homesick for a time

I guess I have a lot of thoughts in my head that haven't been allowed to be spoken. Sort of like a silent movie, without the subtitles.

I don't see many people these days, and you'd think it would be a restful time but this doesn't feel restful. Doing nothing is not restful. It's lethargic.

Yes, lethargic is almost the most adequate word.

I find myself in the waiting place. Waiting for people to come back, waiting for a job to start, just waiting.

I want to do something, I need to do something, but what? I guess this is the start. Should I blog for the next 40 days, or should I try cooking a different dish every night or start working out or running or enter into the putt-putt tournament Wednesday nights.

I'm home-sick for a time, not a place. A time when I had things to occupy this abnormally large amount of time I find myself with. I'm home-sick for a purpose, a direction, for movement.


Moving from one thing to the next. Is that where I am? Where in the world am I going?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You express well what I also often feel. It's a strange place to be in those transition times. Thanks for this post and reminder that I'm not alone in feeling that way. This time will pass and you will once again have things keeping you busy and then long for some down-time. :)