Friday, November 12, 2010


All I wanted was food and a movie
It's really not too much to ask for
I didn't want my eyes opened to the pain
And I got so much more than I bargained for

Waiting in line, I saw her bloodied up face
The sad look in her eyes told a story
Bruises and blood covered her features
A shell of her once beautiful glory

All she wanted was love and acceptance
It's really not too much to ask for
Instead she got a backhand and a fist
So much more than she bargained for

Taking a bus back to the good old home
Running away from his fire
Tears stream down "I think i'll be okay,
It' just that I am so tired"

Waiting in line for my pizza
On her arms are the marks of her hate
She says she had a really bad day
The numbness, she just had to sate

My words of comfort seem empty and shallow
You've made these yourself, the wounds are so deep
The pain brings you comfort, it awakens whats left
But the price is getting so steep

The children are crying in the streets
Motherless, fatherless
Arms stretched towards everything but the Heavens
They'll soon drown in their own tears, they'll all soon bleed out

These are the stores we need to enter into.
Ask for your eyes to be open, you'll see the pain, the hurt, the misery.
Loves wins, but it wins at a cost.
Are you willing to have your heart shatter for these people?
Your brothers and sisters, the lost sheep of the flock?
This is not easy, this is not clean, this is not painless.
He did not promise us this would be easy, clean or painless
Only that it will be worth it.
It. Will. Be. Worth. It.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I sit here, 9:25am on a Thursday morning. I've been up for 2 hours and since being up, I've helped move a grand piano. I feel accomplished. But today is meant to be a day of rest, and it's funny how everyone simply believes rest to be inaction. We need to get out of this mindset. Mark 2:27 sums it up nicely. The sabbath is such a gift to us, but let me suggest a different way of looking at it. I don't know how much scripture I can quote here, but I'll do my best to ground my words in scriptural truth (I say that very intentionally because all scripture is truth, but not all truth is found in scripture...wrestle with that for a bit).

It seems in the context of Matthew 12:43-45, and this basic idea that you have to replace a lie with truth or no real good is done, that you should do the same with the Sabbath. (And please know, these probably aren't my original ideas...Ecc 1:9).

But it seems to me that Sabbath should not just be a day of pure inaction. I feel like the Pharisees tried doing that and it failed. If the Sabbath was made for man, to stop doing that which makes us weary, does simple inaction cure this? I don't think so. I think the actions and daily activities that make us so weary need to be replaced with things that give us a simply joy, and peace and make us laugh, or make us take a deep breath (go ahead, take a deep breath, it will feel so good). Today is my sabbath. I've helped move a piano and I'm going to do quite a bit of homework today. Go figure, right? But, you know, it's going to be restful. I generally don't do homework. This is going to be fun, I'm excited to write some of these papers, to do a good job on these assignments. And I'm going to enjoy it. I enjoy blogging and expressing my ideas which is why you're reading this on this particular day. And at some point, I may lay by the pond and watch the leaves fall. They dance for me on the wind. :)

So, basically, on your "days off", find something, anything, that gives you joy. If you enjoy gardening, do it. If you want to chill at Steak 'N Shake, grab a milkshake and read about Jesus, do it. If you want to drive until your gas tank is half empty and then come back, do it. If you have NO idea what would give you this simple joy in life, stop and ask. Our Father loves to give us good gifts and knows us better than we know ourselves. I'm sure the creator of the universe has some good ideas. And, honestly, if your day involves a nap, do it! Watch a movie, laugh, cry, weep, jump for joy, go swing, go for a jog, read a book for pleasure, make yourself a ridiculous sandwhich, go to a concert, chill at a coffee shop, breathe deep because this is the day God has given us to enjoy. Be with your Father this day, beloved!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Just a few things swimming around in my head....

lack of expectation
living above reproach
suffering servant