Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ever have one of those days...

...where you see people and wished you knew them better?
That's been this entire school year.
Stupid bondage.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Not a whole lot

i don't have a lot to say currently, which begs the question "why the post then?".
Well, i don't know.
The Vikings just had another turnover. Favre is pretty much done what with being pummeled the entire game. I don't get into football, and this is the first game I've seriously sat down and watched all season. Not a whole lot that appeals to me.
There's a lot that's going on in the world right now....Haiti, proposition 8...Greg's Wedding. Wow.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I've been off for two days and counting.
No cold sweats, no shakes, no random cravings.
Sigh, I still mentally make note of things that would make good statuses. That may never leave. But it's ok because I feel like I have a narrator to my life. That narrator may be me, but that's ok.

Trying sitting alone at lunch someday in the D.C. It's a fun time (no sarcasm intended).

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Peace at last

Today I found peace, finally. After a long and frustrating night, I believe I have some peace. Yes, the need to not be alone needs to die, but being with others is not bad. It's when i am with others simply because I don't want to be alone, that is the problem. I need NOT to idolize the presence of others. I can be around others, but I need to understand the motivation behind the action. WHY do I do what I do.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

me in a nutshell

pissed pissed pissed lonely pissed lonely confused lonely lonely lonely confused confused pissed pissed pissed confused confused confused

Monday, January 18, 2010

On lonliness....

it's going to happen to me a lot this semester.
Does God ever give you a glimpse of what work He's going to be doing in you?
I'm going to be alone a lot this semester. It scares me and it's uncomfortable, but i know that the ends justify the means so I will be obedient, despite the pain and loneliness and frustrations I'm going to experience.
1Peter 4:13.

Friday, January 15, 2010

It's time

Oh my, this week went by fast. New classes, new schedule, a whole lot more time it seems. I don't know where it came from, but suddenly I feel as it there are 25 or 26 hours to a day. Or maybe my time management skills are improving. Either way....I'm likin' it.
I've started working out with Lyndee. Man, I do not like the process of working out. Obviously, I'll enjoy the results. Well, I enjoy the process, just not the soreness between work-outs. I know that will diminish in time, but for now, no pain no pain apparently.
I've stopped banging my head against the proverbial wall. You won't understand that, but that's ok. I'd just you to know that I've stopped and I have more peace than previous.
My handwriting is in a Bible. 2Samuel 7:21. Random!
I'm blessed beyond any measure of any kind. To have people pay so that I can do something I love and have it prepare me to serve God and others? Really? Are you that Good, God?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Like Sand Through an hourglass....

...so are the days in Dave's life....
One large soap opera would be a good way to describe my life currently. Quite a bit of unexpected (and frankly unwelcome) drama going on. Both with family and friends. In some ways it concerns me directly and others, I can only watch with horror as it unfolds (I wrote that to Melissa first, and then I copied it to this blog).
But patient must I be, for the story seems to be unraveling at a pace slow enough to keep up with.
Patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, love, joy, peace and self-control. I must continually remind myself of these.
Love (insert name) to death. I believe Jesus has a right to say this, however we don't. He loved us to death, but have we loved Him to death? Random thought.